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This November, Giovanni Dalmasso and Filip Ivancic have joined CRM research groups as postdoctoral researchers. They both join groups within the Mathematical Biology area.

Giovanni Dalmasso will work in the group of Tomás Alarcón as a Maria de Maeztu postdoctoral fellow. He will also collaborate with the group of James Sharpe at EMBL-Barcelona to combine mathematical modelling and biological experiments with the aim of understanding the phenomenon of vasculature regression during cartilage condensation (i.e. digit formation) in the growing limb.

Giovanni obtained his bachelor and master at the Polytechnic University of Turin, where he studied applied mathematics. To complete his master thesis, he moved to the ETH in Zürich (Switzerland). While at the ETH, he transitioned towards computational modelling and high-performance computing. He then moved to the Center of Environmental Research (UFZ) of Leipzig (Germany), where he strengthened his interest in biology and how to model biological processes. For his PhD, Giovanni relocated in Heidelberg at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ).

Before joining the CRM, he was a postdoctoral fellow with the Sharpe group in Barcelona at the Centre of Genomic Regulation (CRG), which then moved to EMBL-Barcelona.

Filip Ivancic has joined the Nonlinear Dynamics and Evolution Lab working on the MPA4SUSTAINABILITY project under the supervision of Josep Sardanyes, to assess the socioecological dimension in marine protected areas (MPAs) and biodiversity preservation, with case studies and math.

Filip obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degree in mathematics and applied mathematics at University of Zagreb, under the supervision of Boris Muha, and he conducted his PhD at the National Taiwan University under the supervision of Tony W.-H. Sheu and Maxim Solovchuk. Before joining the CRM, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the National Health Research Institutes in Taiwan under the supervision of M. Solovchuk.

CRM Comm Team

CRM Comm Team

Anna Drou | Pau Varela

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