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The Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) call for PhD contracts is currently open until January 26th 2023, 14.00h CET. This Programme offers positions  for the training of graduates who wish to do a PhD at research groups whose projects have been funded by the AEI in 2022.


Eight research groups at CRM are offering fully-funded PhD positions to candidates interested to pursue their doctoral studies under their supervision, in the framework of their AEI-funded research projects in the area of mathematics (MTM).

The available positions are:

PID2021-127896OB-I00 1 La heterogeneidad y el ruido como motores en la evolución del cáncer: una aproximación de sistemas dinámicos multiescala

Tomás Alarcon

Josep Sardanyés

PID2021-125625NB-I00 1 Estructuras y desigualdades geométricas universales 

Gil Solanes

Florent Balacheff

PID2021-123405NB-I00 1 Varias variables complejas y distribución óptima de puntos. 

Joaquim Ortega

Carme Cascante

PID2021-125021NA-I00 1 EDPS y mecánica de fluidos

Xavier Ros-Oton

Javier Gómez Serrano

PID2021-125535NB-I00 1 Métodos analíticos y computacionales en sistemas dinámicos

Angel Jorba

Alejandro Haro

PID2021-122954NB-I00 1 Invariant manifolds, Hamiltonian systems and dynamics in neuroscience, epidemiology and atmosphere

Teresa Martínez-Seara

Inmaculada Baldomà

PID2021-123903NB-I00 1 Ecuaciones en derivadas parciales: problemas de reacción-difusión, integro-diferenciales, y de la física matemática

Xavier Cabré

Albert Mas

PID2021-123968NB-I00 1 Métodos modernos en mecánica celeste y aplicaciones

Josep Masdemont

Pau Martin de la Torre

The positions are funded through the call “Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores/as 2022”. Applications will be accepted until January 26, 2023, through the following link. The call is managed by the Spanish Agency for Research (AEI, acronym in Spanish).

For further scientific information, please contact with the corresponding supervisors. If you are interested in applying to this call or have any enquiries, please contact with the subject “FPI-MTM-YourName”.

Eligibility Criteria
At the time of submission, candidates:

  • Should have not received funding from the Spanish Programme for Research with the aim to pursue his/her PhD studies.
  • Should hold a degree which would formally entitle him/her to join a doctoral programme for the academic course 2023-2024 (i.e. should have completed an European Master Degree or be taking such degree during academic year 2022-2023).
  • Should be in the position to be legally accepted in the PhD Programme of the UAB, UB or UPC .
  • Advanced English speaking, willingness to learn Spanish if not a speaker yet.
Hiring Conditions
Hiring conditions are set by the Spanish Ministry, and they will be detailed in the Call for “Contratos predoctorales 2022”. Here are the main features for the previous call (note that quantities may slightly change):

  • 48 months PhD fellowship with an annual evaluation. The gross salary will be approximately 16,640 euros gross for the first and second years, 17,830 for the third year, and 22,290 for the fourth. Gross means here that you would get about 85% of that in your bank account (i.e., 15% of income and social security taxes).
  • The programme also includes a package of about 6,880 Euros to attend conferences, fieldwork and/or secondments during the duration of the fellowship.
Application Procedure

If you don’t have a MINECO account:

  1. Go to MINECO in “Registro Investigador” option. This first step consists in creating your personal account with your personal data at the MINECO website. This account will not be useful only for this call but for any MINECO funding call. In the RUS (“unified register for candidates”) form please make sure that the response to the question “¿Es también investigador?” (“are you also a researcher?”) is “Sí” (“yes”)
  2. Once you create your account you will receive an email for the account activation. You should press the link of that email so as to activate your account. From this moment on you will receive any communication from the MINECO in that email account. Please, do not change this contact information until the final resolution of the grant.

If you have a MINECO account:

  1. Login to the website and click “Añadir”.
  2. Select by Reference Code (see above). Note that you can only apply for ONE Position.
  3. Click “Crear Solicitud” and then choose “Editar” option.
  4. Fill the 4 sections (“Personal data”, “Academic data”, “Requirement of the candidates” and add the corresponding documents: CV, academic record, etc.)
  5. Once the application is complete, click “Definitivo” to generate the application form and make sure that you send it by electronic signature (Spanish residents in Spain). Through the Spanish consulate if you are abroad (foreign researchers and Spanish citizens nor residents in Spain). The postal address is the following:Subdivisión de Planificación y Gestión Administrativa
    División de Programación y Gestión Económica y Administrativa
    Agencia Estatal de Investigación
    Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
    Calle Torrelaguna 58 bis, 28027 Madrid


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Un nou projecte internacional investigarà el paper dels receptors d’acetilcolina en la formació i estabilització de la memòria.

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Aquesta investigació és dirigida per Alex Roxin, investigador principal del grup de neurociència del CRM, i Yingxue Wang, de l’Institut de Neurociència Max Planck a Florida, amb el suport financer del programa CRCNS de la National Science Foundation dels EUA. S’explorarà l’impacte dels receptors muscarínics d’acetilcolina (mAChRs) en la creació i la consistència dels patrons d’activitat del cervell que formen part de la nostra memòria, especialment en les neurones piramidals de l’hipocamp en la zona CA1. Combinant teoria i experiments pràctics, i utilitzant les últimes eines neurofarmacològiques, aquest projecte pot identificar objectius específics per tractar trastorns de la memòria, com l’Alzheimer.