During 2022, several organizational and scientific initiatives, started around the 2018-2019 period, have come to yield valuable results. Specifically, the obtention of the Maria de Maeztu Unit of Excellence award and the consolidation of the Knowledge Transfer Unit with projects of paramount importance both at the level of scientific and societal impact. Another significant development has been the substantial widening of the CRM research lines.

We are happy to announce that the 2022 Annual Report of the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) is now available for all to read. This year has been marked by the significant transformations undergone during the last few years, reinforcing the CRM’s status as a prominent hub for mathematical research talent in Catalonia.

In 2022, the CRM welcomed over 20 researchers from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) as affiliated members. Building on the previous year’s efforts, where around 50 mathematicians from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) were added to the CRM community. Throughout the year, the CRM successfully conducted an array of research activities. These activities included research programs, advanced schools, workshops, seminars, and conferences, attracting over 90 distinguished speakers and more than 1,200 attendees. The topics covered ranged from neuroscience, open science, finances, and data science to partial differential equations (PDEs) and geometry. This holistic approach to research training and collaboration with other fields further enriches the scope and impact of CRM’s contributions.

CRM’s dedication to enhancing societal impact is evident through its focus on research transfer. Spearheading this mission is the Knowledge Transfer Unit (KTU), which actively collaborates with industries and public organizations, including a partnership with Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona to optimize its bus-on-demand network. A key component of CRM’s ethos is engaging with the broader community, and in 2022, the centre organized various outreach activities. Targeting audiences of all ages and backgrounds, these activities aimed to promote understanding and participation in research in mathematics. By fostering a connection between the general public and scientific advancements, CRM works to cultivate a more scientifically aware and engaged society.

None of these accomplishments would have been possible without the commitment and collaboration of the entire CRM community, from researchers to management. We extend our thanks to all involved, and we look forward to the journey ahead.

Below you can access the complete report.


CRM Comm

CRM Comm

Pau Varela


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