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The CRM Colloquium, held on September 4th, 2023, featured a talk by Carlos Kenig on nonlinear wave equations, while the event’s networking opportunities underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in mathematical research. The meeting was an opportunity to showcase the strength of the mathematical community in Barcelona, and its firm commitment to advancing the frontiers of mathematics.
On September 4th, 2023, mathematicians and researchers meet at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans in Barcelona for the CRM Colloquium 2023. The event featured a talk by renowned mathematician Carlos Kenig, from the University of Chicago, who presented his work on Asymptotic simplification for nonlinear wave equations. This meeting marked a significant milestone in the tradition of organizing colloquiums at CRM, showcasing the commitment to encouraging collaboration and pushing the boundaries of mathematical understanding.

Carlos Kenig’s talk delved into the topic of nonlinear wave equations, specifically focusing on the long-time behaviour of large solutions to the energy-critical focusing nonlinear wave equation. Over the last fifteen years, remarkable strides have been made in unravelling the intricacies of these equations. His lecture provided insights into the asymptotic simplification of these equations, demonstrating their transformation into sums of modulated static solutions plus a linear term in all dimensions, particularly in the radial case.

Carlos Kenig is an Argentine-American mathematician and the Louis Block Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago’s Department of Mathematics. His work in harmonic analysis and partial differential equations is well recognized.


A meeting for the Catalan mathematical community

The CRM Colloquium 2023 was not just a platform for mathematical knowledge dissemination; it was a testament to the power of collaboration and networking within the mathematical community in Barcelona. The event attracted over fifty researchers and students from diverse mathematical backgrounds, offering them a unique opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and cultivate collaborations that can lead to future work.

The new format of the CRM Colloquium emphasizes the importance of fostering these connections. By encouraging interdisciplinary interactions and interdisciplinary thinking, the event aimed to create an environment where mathematical insights could transcend traditional boundaries.

The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica has long been an international referent of mathematical research excellence, bringing every year renowned mathematicians from all over the world to collaborate with local researchers and participate in the scientific activities organized by the center. The new CRM Colloquium further solidifies its reputation as a hub for cutting-edge mathematical inquiry. As the world of mathematics continues to evolve and expand, events like these serve as a reminder of the boundless possibilities that emerge when brilliant minds unite to unravel the mysteries of the mathematical universe.

You can watch the colloquium by Professor Kenig here:

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Pau Varela

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