- The roundtable titled “And after the Degree, What?” held at the Universidad de La Rioja, during the Conference of Deans of Mathematics, explored various career options for mathematics graduates, such as academia and industry.
- David Romero, head of the Knowledge Transfer Unit (KTU) at CRM, discussed the unique aspects of industrial PhDs, emphasizing their value in producing highly qualified professionals.
David Romero, the head of the Knowledge Transfer Unit at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), took part in the roundtable titled And after the Degree, What? held at Universidad de La Rioja. This discussion was part of the Conference of Deans of Mathematics (CDM) meeting, focusing on post-graduation pathways for mathematics students, including academia, industry, and more.
The CDM is a nonprofit association operating in Spain, involving universities, departments, and associations related to Mathematics. The CDM aims to continuously improve the quality of Mathematics education by coordinating initiatives, exchanging experiences, and proposing educational reforms at various levels. It seeks to enhance the professional integration of graduates and promote mathematics in society, particularly in non-university education.
During his participation in the roundtable, Romero, who is also a Board member of the Spanish Mathematics-Industry Network (math-in), highlighted the similarities and unique benefits of industrial PhDs compared to traditional academic ones. “In an industrial PhD, a good understanding between the student, the academic advisor, and the industrial director is crucial. However, this understanding is not much different from that in the academic PhD between the student and their academic advisor. The main difference is the additional industrial element,” explained Romero.
He further addressed potential challenges within the host organisation of an industrial PhD, such as industries or municipalities, noting that they are not too dissimilar to those encountered in academic settings. Romero emphasized the significant value industrial PhDs bring to companies: “The industrial PhD remains a very valuable training for the company because it ultimately produces a highly qualified professional who thoroughly understands the challenges the organisation faces.”
Moreover, Romero pointed out the additional benefits of such programs, including networking and professional development opportunities. “Given the nature of the PhD, which includes stays abroad and attendance at conferences, the organisation’s network of contacts, via the PhD student, grows enormously,” he added.
The panel for the roundtable also included Pilar Benito of Universidad de La Rioja, José Luis Pancorbo from AERTIC, and was moderated by David Alonso of Universidad de Zaragoza. The roundtable offered an interesting insight into the different pathways available to mathematics undergraduate students to continue with their professional careers, including industrial PhDs. Fostering a practical application of mathematical research and enhancing collaboration between academia and industry in Spain is one of the tenets of organizations such as Math-In.
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