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Among the key topics discussed by the SAB, chaired by Robert MacKay from the University of Warwick, were the evolution of the Maria de Maeztu Strategic Plan and the process of affiliation of researchers from the UPC, UAB, and UB.

Last week the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) held the annual meeting of its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The SAB plays a crucial role in defining the strategy of the centre and advising on the growth and heightening of the research lines and program of scientific activities. The Advisory Board members are chosen based on their expertise and valuable contributions to their respective fields. With their diverse backgrounds and perspectives, they offer guidance and expertise to ensure CRM’s continued impact in the mathematical community.

During the meeting, the Scientific Advisory Board reviewed the progress and future developments of the Maria de Maeztu plan. This comprehensive roadmap outlines the centre’s goals and initiatives during the project, emphasizing research excellence, collaboration, and the dissemination of mathematical knowledge. The Advisory Board’s feedback and insights contributed to refining the plan, ensuring its alignment with the evolving landscape of mathematical research.

The meeting also addressed the process of affiliation for researchers from UPC, UAB, and UB—prominent universities in Catalonia. The affiliation of researchers has become one of the most significant changes undergone by CRM in recent years. Collaborative partnerships and affiliations with these institutions enhance interdisciplinary research opportunities and strengthen the network of mathematicians working within CRM’s ecosystem.

The two-day meeting also included a scientific talk by Josep Sardanyés, a senior researcher from the Mathematical and Computational Biology research group at CRM. His research lies at the intersection of mathematics and biology, working on different scientific disciplines in biology under the umbrella of nonlinear dynamics.

Additionally, the members of the SAB met with PhD and postdoctoral researchers from various research groups at CRM, to discuss their experiences and work as members of the CRM. The meeting served to emphasise the importance of nurturing young talent, a pillar of the MdM project.

The SAB’s expertise and guidance play a pivotal role in shaping CRM’s strategic direction. With the support of the Scientific Advisory Board and the collective efforts of the mathematical community, CRM continues to make significant contributions to the world of mathematics and beyond.

The current composition of the Scientific Advisory Board is:

Nicolas Brunel, from the Duke University, Helen Byrne, from the Oxford University, Albert Cohen, from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Kathryn Hess, from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Ari Laptev from the Imperial College London, Gábor Lugosi, from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Robert MacKay, from the University of Warwick (Chairman), Alessandra Micheletti, from the Università degli Studi di Milano, Carmen Miguel from the Universitat de Barcelona, Peregrina Quintela, from the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Mikhail Sodin, from the Tel Aviv University, and Katrin Wendland from the Trinity College Dublin.

CRM Comm

CRM Comm

Pau Varela

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