Administrative Job Offer

Jul 1, 2016

The BGSMath is an initiative of the four public universities in Barcelona and the CRM.
Its main objectives are advanced doctoral and postdoctoral training, research of excellence in Mathematics and its applications. In June 2015, the BGSMath obtained the accreditation “Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu”, granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Since then, the BGSMath has started a recruitment program of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, and the organization of research activities. To carry out these activities, the BGSMath is providing administrative and technical support.
To fulfill these tasks, the BGSMath is opening a call for one administrative position. The person who obtains the position will join the CRM, which has a team with a huge experience in administrative jobs, economic management and management of research activities.
Works to realize
  • Support to the magagement of international calls for competitive human resources.
  • Support to the organization of courses, research programs and other scientific activities.
  • Web management and dissemination.
  • Link with the administration of the other universities: UAB, UB, UPC and UPF