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Jornada de Doctorat el proper 4 d’Octubre a CosmoCaixa

Sep 20, 2017


On Wednesday October 4th, and as part of the activities organised within the Collaborative Mathematical Research project funded by “Obra Social, La Caixa”, we are going to hold a wrap-up event at CosmoCaixa next month.

This event will consist of a public lecture “The mathematics of M.C. Escher” by Jon Chapman, from Oxford University followed by a poster session where our students and postdocs participating in Collaborative Mathematics projects will present their work.
You will find the detailed programme  in this link
The event will take place next Wednesday, October 4th at 5.30 pm, Ágora Room, CosmoCaixa (C/Isaac Newton, 26, Barcelona).
This event is an open session. There is no registration fee but since the capacity of the room is limited and access control is required, we kindly ask you to confirm your participation to or at the phone 93 5814353.
We would appreciate if you could circulate this announcement among interested colleagues.