In their 2022 conference, ERCOM members discussed the current situation of mathematics in Europe and built synergies to implement common strategies.
The European Research Centres on Mathematics (ERCOM) held its annual meeting in Bilbao on March 25th and 26th. Founded in 1997, ERCOM is a Committee of the EMS (European Mathematical Society) that is formed by the most relevant European research centres in mathematics. Only European centres which are institutional members of the EMS, predominantly research oriented, with an international scientific board and a large international visiting programme, covering a broad area of the Mathematical Sciences are eligible for representation in ERCOM.
In this year’s meeting, which was hosted by the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), the CRM was represented by its Director, Professor Lluís Alsedà, the CRM Executive Director, Arantxa Sanz, the CRM Scientific activities coordinator, Nuria Hernandez, and David Romero from the CRM KTT Unit.
The agenda for the event included several presentations from the different research institutions represented at the meeting, discussion sessions on the topic of scientific exchange, focused working groups and social activities, as well as presentations on current topics such as the impact of the war in Ukraine. CRM Lluís Alsedà and David Romero contributed to the meeting with a presentation on Three different ways to tackle industrial challenges. An overview of the CRM Knowledge Transfer strategy.
A Forum for European Mathematics
ERCOM annual meetings are a space where the directors of the member institutions meet to comment on the situation of mathematics in Europe, seek synergies and establish common strategies. One of the focuses is to promote the training of researchers.
The member institutions include centres such as the Institut Mittag-Leffler in Sweden, the Isaac Newton Institute from the United Kingdom and the Alfréd Rényi Institute from Hungary.
CRM Comm Team
Anna Drou | Paula Lomascolo | Pau Varela
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