Office Office 15 (C1/034.1)
Position Director of KTU & Editor in Chief
Research interests Applied Math
Group KT Unit
Romero i Sànchez, David

I am those kind of mathematicians that holds a PhD (in Applied Mathematics). I am working at Centre de Recerca Matemàtica since 2017 as the CRM's (Open) Data Manager. Nowadays, I am member of the CRM's as

  • Director of the Knowledge Transfer Unit
  • Editor in Chief of the CRM Publications.

The experience in mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, optimization, and artificial intelligence has allowed me to lead several privately funded projects, focused on areas such as mobility and logistics, and to actively collaborate in publicly funded projects applying dynamical systems in fields such as pharmacology, genomics, or data compression.


I'm interested in Numerical Analysis, specially, Optimisation and Artificial Intelligence Methods. I am also interested in Discrete Dynamical Systems and the applications of dynamical systems and modeling.

Selected publications

Ll. Alsedà, J. M. Mondelo, D. Romero.
A numerical estimate of the regularity of a family of strange non-chaotic attractors.
Phys. D, 347, 74-89, 2017.