A project by Alexandre Hyafil, principal investigator and Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Computational Neuroscience Research Group at CRM, has been selected as one of the recipients of the grants awarded in the 2022 call by the Leonardo program of the Foundation BBVA. The project that will receive funding, under the title Computational models of daily fluctuations of psychological states, is one of the five chosen by the mathematics evaluation commission chaired by Juan José Romo Urroz, professor of Statistics and rector of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

The Leonardo grants have been awarded by the BBVA Foundation since 2014, with the objective of supporting personal projects of researchers and cultural creators in intermediate stages of their career, between 30 and 45 years old, which are characterized by a significant scientific, technological, or cultural production. The specific purpose of the grant, each endowed with up to 40,000 euros, admits great flexibility, adapting to the specific needs of each project, and can be carried out over a period of between 12 and 18 months.

In this 2022 call, a total of 884 applications have been received, resulting in 60 researchers from fields such as Basic sciences, Math; Biology and Biomedicine; Environmental and Earth Sciences; Engineering and Information Technology; Economics, Social and Legal Sciences; Humanities; Music and Opera; Literary Creation and Performing Arts.

In addition to Alexandre Hyafil’s project, four other mathematicians have received grants to develop their projects in the 2022 call; Jezabel Curbelo, from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, María López, from the University of Málaga, Carlos Shabazi, from the UNED, and Pedro Tradacete Pérez, from the Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas-CSIC. 

CRM Comm Team

CRM Comm Team

Anna Drou | Pau Varela


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