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The CRM has published its annual report for 2021, where you will find a summary of all the scientific activities and the work carried out by our research groups. 2021 has been a year characterized by the recognition of the CRM as María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence. This achievement is the culmination of the hard work by the CRM research community to enhance and expand the position of the CRM both at a national and international level.

Regarding the scientific activities organized by the CRM, the return to normality in terms of the on-site format of the events has been slow due to the strict conditions to ensure the safety and health of all the participants and invited researchers. However, the improvement on the technical element to guarantee access remotely to most of the talks and activities is something that will help the CRM offer a better service moving forward.

CRM Comm Team

CRM Comm Team

Anna Drou | Pau Varela

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Roser Homs participa al projecte (In)visibles i (O)cultes

Roser Homs participa al projecte (In)visibles i (O)cultes

El 20 de desembre, el Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona va acollir la cloenda del projecte (In)visibles i (O)cultes, amb la participació de Roser Homs, investigadora del CRM, que va oferir una xerrada als estudiants sobre la seva recerca i...