25 €

3rd Barcelona Weekend on Operator Algebras

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From January 27, 2023
to January 28, 2023
Registration deadline 25 / 01 / 2023



The theory of C*-algebras, after the major breakthrough in the classification programme, is now at a game changing point, where the quest for large classes of examples that satisfy the main assumptions to fall into the classifiable class has begun. Many of these examples are found within topological dynamical systems and their noncommutative counterpart, the C*-dynamical systems. Another important line of research consists of, on the one hand, deciding whether certain assumptions in the current classification theorems are redundant and, on the other hand, using finer invariants and their intrinsic theory to find broader classes of C*-algebras that are amenable to be understood. Also a consequence of the recent achievements in classification is the idea to aim at larger families of C*-algebras: new milestones in this direction are set on removing the restrictions of simplicity and Z-stability, and for both cases the need for a larger and finer invariant is naturally required. It has been known for a long time that the Cuntz semigroup, an ordered abelian semigroup generalizing K-theory, should play a key role.

The workshop is geared towards putting together young researchers in Europe that will share their latest findings and find common ground under which further collaboration will emerge. Participation of graduate students is particularly encouraged as this will be a great opportunity for them to meet other researchers and also to be in contact with cutting edge results.


Ramon Antoine | UAB/CRM
Joan Bosa | Universidad de Zaragoza
Francesc Perera | UAB/CRM


Francesca Arici Universiteit Leiden ABSTRACT
Kristin Courtney  University of Münster (WWU) ABSTRACT
Jamie Gabe University of Southern Denmark ABSTRACT
Eusebio Gardella  Chalmers University of Technology ABSTRACT
Antonio Peralta Universidad de Granada ABSTRACT
Karen Strung Czech Academy of Sciences ABSTRACT
Hannes Thiel Kiel University ABSTRACT
Alessandro Vignati Université de Paris ABSTRACT
Eduard Vilalta Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ABSTRACT

list of participants

Name Institution
Hannes Thiel Kiel University
Karen Strung Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences
Pere Ara Bertran Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Laurent Cantier Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Francesc Perera Domenech Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Ramon Antoine Riolobos Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Eduard Vilalta Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Guillem Quingles Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
David Cabezas Universidad de Granada
Antonio M. Peralta Universidad de Granada
Joan Bosa Universidad de Zaragoza
Jorge J Garces Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Fernando Lledó Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Antonio Jiménez Vargas Universidad de Almería
Ado Dalla Costa Federal University of Santa Catarina
James Gabe University of Southern Denmark
Alessandro Vignati Paris Diderot University - Paris 7
Kristin Courtney University of Münster
Francesca Arici Leiden University
Eusebio Gardella University of Gothenburg
Niyaz Tokmagambetov Centre de Recerca Matemàtica


IF YOUR INSTITUTION COVERS YOUR REGISTRATION FEE: Please note that, in case your institution is paying for the registration via bank transfer, you will have to indicate your institution details and choose “Transfer” as the payment method at the end of the process.


*If the paying institution is the UPF / UB/ UPC / UAB, after registering, please send an email to vramirez@crm.cat with your name and the institution internal reference number that we will need to issue the electronic invoice. Please, send us the Project code covering the registration if needed.

Paying by credit card

IF YOU PAY VIA CREDIT CARD but you need to provide the invoice to your institution to be reimbursed, please note that we will also need you to send an email to vramirez@crm.cat providing the internal reference number given by your institution and the code of the Project covering the registration (if necessary).




Organized by

Laboratori d’interaccions entre geometria, àlgebra i topologia (LIGAT)



    For inquiries about this event please contact the Scientific Events Coordinator Ms. Núria Hernández at nhernandez@crm.cat​​