E-mail antoni.guillamon@upc.edu
Position Associate Professor
Research interests Computational Neuroscience
Area Neuroscience
Group Neuroscience
Guillamon, Antoni

Degree in Mathematics (1989) and PhD in Mathematics (1995) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, within the area of dynamical systems. He is Associate Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, within the UPC Group of Dynamical Systems. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (New York University) and Visiting Professor at New Jersey Institute of Technology. From 2011 to 2015, he served as Deputy Director of the CRM; he also represented CRM in the Monitoring Committee of BGSMath. His research is mainly devoted to neuroscience problems through modelling and simulations, with special focus on the application of recent mathematical tools and the development of new mathematical results. He is currently interested in several problems: (1) Study of synchronization in neuronal populations using invariant manifold's theory and response
curves associated to oscillators; (2) Network and slow-fast rate models to study the effects of short-term synaptic depression in brain activity; (3) Use of inference methods to estimate synaptic conductances in order to discern functional patterns of activity; (4) Development and study of mathematical models to understand the factors that drive phenomena of multistable perception. Besides neuroscience problems, he is also participating in research projects on population dynamics; in particular, modelling and analyzing models of prebiotic evolution (hypercycle theory).

Complete information: https://web.mat.upc.edu/antoni.guillamon/


Other Research Interests
  • Mathematical Neuroscience
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Mathematical modelling in biology
Selected publications
  • Blai Vidiella, Antoni Guillamon, Josep Sardanyés, Victor Maull, Jordi Pla, Nuria Conde-Pueyo, Ricard Solé. "Engineering self-organized criticality in living cells", Nature Communications 12, 4415, 2021.

  • Tomás Alarcón, Josep Sardanyés, Antoni Guillamon, José A. Menéndez. "Bivalent chromatin as a therapeutic target in cancer: An in silico predictive approach for combining epigenetic drugs", PLoS Comput Biol 17(6): e1008408, 2021.

  • Oriol Castejón, Antoni Guillamon. "Phase-Amplitude Dynamics in terms of Extended Response Functions: Invariant Curves and Arnold Tongues", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 105008, 81, 2020.

  • Elif Köksal Ersöz, Mathieu Desroches, Antoni Guillamon, John Rinzel, Joël Tabak. "Canard-induced complex oscillations in an excitatory network", Journal of Mathematical Biology 80, 2075--2107, 2020.

  • Amadeu Delshams, Antoni Guillamon, Gemma Huguet. "Quasi-periodic perturbations of heteroclinic attractor networks", Chaos, 28, 103111, 2018.

  • A Guillamon, R Prohens, AE Teruel, C Vich. "Estimation of synaptic conductances in the spiking regime for the McKean neuron model", SIAM J Applied Dynamical Systems 16, 1397-1424, 2017.

  • J Sardanyés, JT Lázaro, A Guillamon, E Fontich. "Full Analysis of Small Hypercycles with Short-circuits in Prebiotic Evolution", Physica D 347, 90-108, 2017.

  • M Desroches, A Guillamon, E Ponce, R Prohens, S Rodrigues, AE Teruel. "Canards, Folded Nodes And Mixed-Mode Oscillations In Piecewise-Linear Slow-Fast Systems", SIAM Review 58, 653-691, 2016.

  • A Guillamon, G Huguet. "A computational and geometric approach to phase resetting curves and surfaces", SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 8 (3), 1005-1042, 2009.

  • A Guillamon, DW McLaughlin, J Rinzel (2006). “Estimation of synaptic conductances”, Journal of Physiology-Paris 100 (1), 31-42.
  • Armengol Gasull, Antoni Guillamon, Víctor Mañosa. "An explicit expression of the first Liapunov and period constants with applications", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 211, 190-212, 1997.