Research interests
Algebra Geometry Number Theory And Topology
Porti, Joan
Professor since 2007 at UAB. Associate professor at UAB from 1998 to 2007 and «chargé de recherches» from 1995 to 1998 at CNRS, France.
In 2008 I received the ICREA Academia Prize.
My main scientific achievment perhaps is to complete the proof of the orbifold theorem , in collaboration with M Boileau and B Leeb, published in 2005.
Other Research Interests
Geometric structures on manifolds, low dimensional topology, varieties of representations
Currently I am just memberof the project PGC2018-095998-B-I00: Invariantes locales y globales ne geometría. Responsible: Gil Solanes
Selected publications
- Michael Kapovich; Bernhard Leeb; Joan Porti. 2018. Dynamics on flag manifolds: domains of proper discontinuity and cocompactness Geometry and Topology. 22-1, pp.157-234
- Laurent Bessières; Gérard Besson; Michel Boileau; etal. 2010. Collapsing irreducible 3-manifolds with nontrivial fundamental group InventionesMathematicae. 179-2, pp.435-460.
- Michel Boileau; Bernhard Leeb; Joan Porti. 2005. Geometrization of3-dimensional orbifolds Ann. of Math. (2). 162-2, pp.195-290.
Joan Porti. 1997. Torsion de Reidemeister pour les variétés hyperboliques Mem. Amer. Math. Soc.128-612, pp.0-139.