Office Office 16 (C1/032)
Position Postdoctoral Researcher
Funding Maria de Maeztu
Research interests Analysis & PDE
Area Analysis And Partial Differential Equations
Group Analysis And Partial Differential Equations
Maione, Alberto

My name is Alberto Maione and I am a Maria de Maetzu Postdoctoral fellow (senior) at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) of Barcelona in the research group of Analysis & PDEs, hosted by Prof. Xavier Cabré.

I come from Italy, where in 2020 I received my PhD in Mathematics from the Universities of Trento and Verona. Under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Serra Cassano and Prof. Andrea Pinamonti I wrote a PhD thesis in Calculus of variations and Partial differential equations entitled "Variational convergences for functionals and differential operators depending on vector fields".

After the PhD I moved to Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, where I held a postdoctoral position from January 2021 to September 2023, in the research group of Prof. Patrick Dondl funded by the project SPP 2256 "Variational Methods for Predicting Complex Phenomena in Engineering Structures and Materials" of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

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Other Research Interests

Calculus of variations - Relaxation, Γ-convergence and integral representations 
Partial differential equations - Elliptic and parabolic equations (existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behaviour of solutions) 
Nonlinear analysis - Variational methods (Mountain Pass theorem, Linking theorem, Saddle Point theorem) 
Analysis on sub-riemannian manifolds - Carnot groups, Heisenberg groups 
Material science - Nonlinear elasticity, multi-material models


Title of the project: Pairing and div-curl lemma: extensions to weakly differentiable vector fields and nonlocal differentiation. Funded by GNAMPA of INdAM in 2024 (Grant Code: CUP_E53C23001670001). P.I. of the project: Giovanni Eugenio Comi

Selected publications
  • A. Maione, A. Pinamonti, F. Serra Cassano. Γ-convergence for functionals depending on vector fields. I. Integral representation and compactness. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2020 (139), 109-142.
  • A. Maione, A. Pinamonti, F. Serra Cassano. Γ-convergence for functionals depending on vector fields. II. Convergence of minimizers. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2022 (54), no. 6, 5761–5791.
  • M. Capolli, A. Maione, A. M. Salort, E. Vecchi. Asymptotic behaviours in Fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces on Carnot groups. The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2021 (31), no. 3, 3196–3229.
  • A. Maione, D. Mugnai, E. Vecchi. Variational methods for nonpositive mixed local-nonlocal operators. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2023 (26), no.3, 943-961.
  • N. Cangiotti, M. Caponi, A. Maione, E. Vitillaro. Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equations driven by mixed local-nonlocal operators. Milan Journal of Mathematics, 2023 (91), no.2, 375-403.
  • N. Cangiotti, M. Caponi, A. Maione, E. Vitillaro. Schrödinger-Maxwell equations driven by mixed local-nonlocal operators. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 2024 (27), no. 2, 677--705.
  • P. Dondl, A. Maione, S. Wolff-Vorbeck. Phase field model for multi-material shape optimization of inextensible rods. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 2024.