E-mail juan.jose.rue@upc.edu
Position Associate Professor
Research interests Combinatorics
Group Combinatronics Logic And Algorithmics
Rue Perna, Juan Jose

Previous positions: Postdoctoral researcher at École Polytechnique (2009-2010) and ICMAT (2010-2013); Professor-W1 at Freie Universität Berlin (2013-2016). Associate Professor at UPC since February 2016

Other Research Interests
  • Enumerative combinatorics (both exact and assymptotic) of graphs with topological constraints
  • Study of random structures and limiting discrete objects
  • Arithmetic combinatorics

(Projects being IP in the last 5 years): MTM2017-82166-P: Geometric, algebraic and probabilistic combinatorics. PI: O. Serra, J. Rué; - FP7 PEOPLE- 2013-CIG 630749: CountGraph. PI: J. Rué. (Marie Curie Career Integration Grant at FU Berlin); Projekt-ID 57134837: RanConGraph. PI: J. Rué, V. Ravelomanana (Collateral project between France and Germany)

Selected publications
  • On a problem of Sárközy and Sós on multivariate linear forms. J. Rué, C. Spiegel. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 36
  • On the optimality of the random strategy. C. Kusch, J. Rué, C. Spiegel, T. Szabó. Random Structures and Algorithms 55 (2):371-401 (2019)7): 2107-2019 (2020)
  • Enumeration of labelled 4-regular planar graphs. M. Noy, C. Requilé, J. Rué. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 119 (2):358-378 (2019)
  • Subgraph statistics in subcritical graph classes. M. Drmota, L. Ramos, J. Rué. Random Structures and Algorithms 51 (4) (2017): 631-673
  • On the probability of planarity of a random graph near the critical point. M. Noy, V. Ravelomanana, J. Rué. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015): 925-936