E-mail marc.noy@upc.edu
Position Professor
Research interests Combinatorics
Group Combinatronics Logic And Algorithmics
Noy, Marc

Full Professor of Mathematics at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Received the Humboldt Research Award (2012) for his achievements in Discrete Mathematics. During 2012-13 was Von Neumann invited Professor at the Technical University of Munich. Invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Seoul (2014). Received the Medal Narcís Monturiol (2018) from the Catalan Government for significant contributions to science in Catalonia. 

His main scientific achievement is the asymptotic enumeration of planar graphs (jointly with Omer Giménez), which opened the way to the fine analysis of random planar graphs.

He is currently director of the Institute of Mathematics (IMTech) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. 

Other Research Interests
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Asymptotic enumeration
  • Random graphs
  • Logic and graph theory
  • Discrete Geometry

PI of the grant Randomness and Learning in Networks (2021-205) funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE program

Member of the grant Combinatoria: nuevas tendencias y aplicaciones (2021-2024), PIs Simeon Ball and Guillem Perarnau) funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 

Selected publications
  • Limiting probabilities of first order properties of random sparse graphs and hypergraphs (with A. Larrauri and T. Müller). Random Structures Algorithms (2022).
  • Enumeration of labelled 4-regular planar graphs (with C. Requilé and J. Rué), Proceedings of the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (2019).
  • Logical limit laws for minor-closed classes of graphs (with P. Heinig, T. Müller and A. Taraz), J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 130 (2018).
  • On the probability of planarity of a random graph at the critical point (with J. Rué and V. Ravelomanana). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2015).
  • Random planar graphs and beyond. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul (2014).
  • Asymptotic enumeration and limit laws of planar graphs (with O. Giménez). Journal of the American Mathematical Society (2009).