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5 – 6 November 2018
No fee.
Registering required.
Deadline: 31 Oct 18
Aula Magna,
University of Barcelona
(Historical Building)

The Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics is organizing its fourth BGSMath Junior Meeting. This is an excellent opportunity for young researchers of the BGSMath community to meet senior researchers and colleagues from various universities and share their knowledge and skills.

At the BGSMath Junior Meeting, early career researchers will be able to present their current research in a informal and collaborative environment. This meeting is addressed to any researcher in any area of Mathematics. Also master or undergraduate students considering to start a PhD in math are very welcome to come, meet people and get an idea of the different research lines in BGSMath.

Don’t forget to submit your poster! We only have a limited amount of places, so there will be a first-come, first-serve criterion! Hurry up! 

Senior researchers are also invited to participate, giving guidance to improve the research quality, presentation skills and enhance research visibility.

Preliminary programme of the day

Monday, 5 November


8.45     Registration

9.15     Welcome
Marta Sanz-Sole (BGSMath Director)
Carles Casacuberta (Dean of the UB Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics)

9.30     Invited speech
Juan Carlos Naranjo: Canonical curves and quadrics: old and new

10.30   Coffee break

Antti Perälä: General fractional derivatives and the Bergman projection
Eduardo Soto: Some Fermat-type diophantine equations
Núria Folguera: Beating cancer ‘escape room’: let’s use mathematical modelling to unlock cells!
Marta Bofill Roig: Statistical issues in trial designs with composite binary endpoints

13.00   Lunch

15.00   Invited speech
Alejandra Cabaña: Embedding in law of discrete time ARMA processes in continuous time stationary processes

16.00   Coffee break

Carmelo Puliatti: Singular integrals and rectifiability
Genís Prat Ortega: Flexible categorization in Perceptual Decision Making
Marina Gonchenko: Bifurcations of homoclinic tangencies in area-preserving maps

18.00   Cocktail


Tuesday, 6 November


9.30     Invited speech
Gemma Huguet: The study of the brain by means of Dynamical Systems

10.30   Coffee break

Alessandro Oneto: Unexpected curves: from secant varieties to line arrangements
Camilo Rey Torres: Energy Methods in Computer Sciences
Roberto Rubio: A taste of generalized complex geometry

12.30   Invited speech
Albert Clop: Sobolev flows of non-Lipschitz vector fields




If you want to present a poster, please write its title in the registration form in the field “Title of the talk”. No abstract is needed. If you don’t want to present a poster please ignore “Title of the talk”.


5 – 6 November 2018
No fee.
Registering required.
Deadline: 31 Oct 18
Aula Magna,
University of Barcelona
(Historical Building)


Preliminary programme of the day

Monday, 5 November


8.45     Registration

9.15     Welcome
Marta Sanz-Sole (BGSMath Director)
Carles Casacuberta (Dean of the UB Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics)

9.30     Invited speech
Juan Carlos Naranjo: Canonical curves and quadrics: old and new

10.30   Coffee break

Antti Perälä: General fractional derivatives and the Bergman projection
Eduardo Soto: Some Fermat-type diophantine equations
Núria Folguera: Beating cancer ‘escape room’: let’s use mathematical modelling to unlock cells!
Marta Bofill Roig: Statistical issues in trial designs with composite binary endpoints

13.00   Lunch

15.00   Invited speech
Alejandra Cabaña: Embedding in law of discrete time ARMA processes in continuous time stationary processes

16.00   Coffee break

Carmelo Puliatti: Singular integrals and rectifiability
Genís Prat Ortega: Flexible categorization in Perceptual Decision Making
Marina Gonchenko: Bifurcations of homoclinic tangencies in area-preserving maps

18.00   Cocktail


Tuesday, 6 November


9.30     Invited speech
Gemma Huguet: The study of the brain by means of Dynamical Systems

10.30   Coffee break

Alessandro Oneto: Unexpected curves: from secant varieties to line arrangements
Camilo Rey Torres: Energy Methods in Computer Sciences
Roberto Rubio: A taste of generalized complex geometry

12.30   Invited speech
Albert Clop: Sobolev flows of non-Lipschitz vector fields



If you want to present a poster, please write its title in the registration form in the field “Title of the talk”. No abstract is needed. If you don’t want to present a poster please ignore “Title of the talk”.


Invited speakers

Juan Carlos Naranjo (UB, BGSMath)

Alejandra Cabaña (UAB, BGSMath)

Gemma Huguet (UPC, BGSMath)

Albert Clop (UAB, BGSMath)



Organising Committee
Gladston Duarte (UB, BGSMath)

Claudia Fanelli (CRM, BGSMath)

Marina Garrote (UPC, BGSMath)

Aapo Kauranen (UAB, BGSMath)

Álvaro Leitao (UB, BGSMath)




Degree in Mathematics (BSc) at the University of Barcelona in 1985, Degree Extraordinary Award.
PhD in 1990 under the supervision of Gerald Welters, Doctorate Extraordinary Award.
Assistant professor (1985-1993) at the Department of Algebra and Geometry (UB).
Associate professor since 1993 at the University of Barcelona.
I have been the advisor of M.A. Barja, M. Lahoz, V, González and M. Sáez.
Vice-dean of the Faculty of Mathematics since 2013.



I currently work at the Mathematics Department at UAB. Previously I was a Visiting Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, from 2003-2008 I worked at the Statistics Department (EIO) at Universidad de Valladolid. Previously I was Associate Professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar and Researcher at Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (Caracas, Venezuela).
My research activity is centered in the field of mathematical statistics. I have published several papers and a book on goodness-of-fit tests based on Transformed Empirical Processes (introduced in Annals of Statistics 22 (1994) and 24 (1996)). I am also interested in modeling aspects of time series, functional data and extremes.



I obtained my PhD in Applied Mathematics at UPC, when I worked on theoretical and computational projects in dynamical systems. During my PhD. studies I did research stays at the MBI at Ohio State University (Prof David Terman) and the Department of Mathematics at UT Austin (Prof. Rafael de la Llave). I was a postdoctoral fellow,first at CRM,and later for 3.5 years at the CNS and Courant Institute (NYU) under the mentorship of John Rinzel, when I enhanced my training in mathematical neuroscience by designing models in contact with experimentalists. Since December 2012 I am a research fellow at UPC (Juan de la Cierva and Ramon y Cajal), enhancing the research line of computational neuroscience in the Dynamical Systems group.



I graduated in Mathematics in 2001 at Universitat de Barcelona. In 2006, I got a PhD in Mathematics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, under the supervision of Dr. Joan Mateu and Dr. Joan Orobitg. Later I went through 2,5 years of postdoctoral training at University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

In 2010 I became a “Ramón y Cajal” researcher. I am currently the local coordinator at UAB of the Marie Curie ITN “MAnET” as well as the coordinator of the Barcelona Analysis Seminar.