Office Office 25 (C3b/138)
Phone +34 93 586 8517
Position Adjunct Professor, U. Politecnica de Catalunya; Adjunct Professor of Industrial Mathematics, U. Limerick
Funding CRM
Research interests Applied Math
Area Industrial Mathematics
Group Climate Change And Natural Hazards
Myers, Timothy G.

I am currently a Senior Researcher and head of the Industrial Maths Research Group (IMRG) at the Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM) and also hold adjunct positions at:

  1. U. Limerick, Adjunct Professor of Industrial Mathematics
  2. U. Politecnica de Catalunya, Adjunct Professor.

I have over 30 years of research experience and, since 2011, have the highest research rating with the Catalan Accreditation Agency, AQU, L'Acreditació de la Recerca Avançada. (This qualification is required for the position of Full Research Professor). Between 2010-2014 I was a Marie Curie Research Fellow (International Re-Integration grant). I have been sole supervisor of 12 completed PhDs and 12 Post-docs.

In recent years I have held senior positions on 2 European councils:

  1. European Consortium for Maths in Industry (council member)
  2. Maths for Industry Network – MI-Net (core committee and Short Term Scientific Mission Manager).

Currently I am a member of the ECMI Research & Innovation committee. Since 2016 I have been the co-ordinator of all European
Study Groups with Industry (ESGI).

My wide training, both geographically and academically has provided me with many tools which may be used to bridge the gap between academia and industry. I have published in maths, physics, computing, engineering and nanotechnology journals. Consequently, I think of my research as being truly multi-disciplinary and with a practical focus not usually found in the
mathematical world.

I play an active role in promoting industrial and applicable mathematics throughout the world, having helped organise meetings in the UK, Spain, South Africa, Canada.

My work on phase change from a supercooled liquid is used in a commercial aircraft code. I have made advances in understanding melting at the nanoscale and explained the experimentally observed fast flow rates in carbon nanotubes; this led to the first physical explanation for the Navier slip boundary condition between a liquid and solid. Recently I proved that nanofluids do not dramatically increase heat transfer, contradicting thousands
of math papers but agreeing with experimental evidence.

I have worked on a multitude of industrial problems: to legalise rhino horn trade; carbon capture; bottle labelling; spontaneous combustion. In 2014 my work on football motion was awarded the Premi Albert Dou.

In the following link you will find a short interview I made, aimed at local students,

Football, ice and flies​ video

I have given keynote speeches in 5 continents and am/have been on the editorial boards for Appl. Math. Modelling, Math in Industry Case Studies and the RSME-Springer book series and am now involved in setting up the Mathematics in Industry Repository for Cambridge University Press.


1. The application of mathematics to environmental problems, specifically in relation to carbon capture, contaminant removal and green roofs, see

Myers et al, The effect of green roofs on a city's energy footprint, Proc. South African Maths in Industry Study Group 2020.

Myers and Font. 2020. Mass transfer from a fluid flowing through a porous media International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 163.

Myers, Font, Hennessy. 2020. Mathematical modelling of carbon capture in a packed column by adsorption. Applied Energy. 278.

2. Phase change: fundamentals, in industrial settings and at the nanoscale, see 

Calvo, Myers, Hennessy. 2020. The one-dimensional Stefan problem with non-Fourier heat conduction. International Journal of Thermal Sci. 150.

Myers, Hennessy, Calvo. 2020. The Stefan problem with variable thermophysical properties and phase change temperature. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 149.

Myers, Charpin, Chapman. 2002. The flow and solidification of a thin fluid film on an arbitrary three-dimensional surface. Physics of Fluids 14 (8), 2788-2803.

3. Nanoscale heat flow.

4. Thin film flow.

5. Nanocrystal growth.

6. Nanoscale optics.

There are papers to delight everyone on my Google Scholar page


Other Research Interests

Carbon capture; Contaminant removal; Nanotechnology; Fundamentals of heat flow; Phase change; Industrial mathematics; Nanoscale optics.


PI unless otherwise stated

  1. Environmental applications of diffusion with a moving boundary. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Retos Programme, 01/12/2021-31/11/2023, 140K Euros. 
  2. The exploitation of mathematics to aid in the design of adsorption columns. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Prueba de Concepto Programme, 01/12/2021-31/11/2023. 120K Euros.
  3. Mathematics in nanotechnology and industry. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 01/01/2018-31/12/2020. 
  4. Mathematics for Industry Network Joanna Jordan. (University of Bath). 01/06/2015-31/05/2018.
  5. Nanoheat MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Individual Fellowships. Matt Hennessy. (Centre de Recerca Matemàtica). 12/09/2016-11/09/2017.
  6. Dinámica de fluidos complejos y fronteras móviles Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 2015-2017.
  7. Modeling and analysis of nematic films: flow-substrate interactions National Science Foundation, DMS 1211713. Linda Cummings. (New Jersey Inst. Tech.). 2012-2014.
  8. Problemas de frontera móvil en presencia de capas líquidas Ministerio de ciencia e innovación, MTM2011-23789. 2012-2014.
  9. Industrial applications of moving boundary problems European Commission FP7, Marie Curie International Re-integration grant IRG06-GA-2009-256417.  2010-2014. 
Selected publications

A complete list of publications may be found through the CV link or through Google Scholar or Researcher ID pages.

Selected recent publications that may interest any sensible reader include …


1. Optics Near Surfaces and at the Nanometer Scale, W. Bacsa, R. Bacsa & T. Myers, ISBN: 978-3-030-58983-7, Springer, 2020.

2. Theoretical and practical Stefan problems, T. Myers, submitted for Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer prize, Nov. 2020.

3. Multidisciplinary Mathematical Modelling: Applications of Mathematics to the Real World, F. Font, T. Myers (Eds.), ISBN 978-3-030-64271-6, Springer 2021.

4. What is Industrial Mathematics?, Eds. I. Griffiths, K. Kaouri, T. Myers, H. Ockendon, e-book 2019.

Journal Articles

1. Fanelli, Font, Cregan, Myers. 2021. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Modelling nanocrystal growth via the precipitation method. 165.
2. Myers, Font. 2020. Mass transfer from a fluid flowing through a porous media International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 163.
3. Myers, Font, Hennessy. 2020. Mathematical modelling of carbon capture in a packed column by adsorption. Applied Energy. 278.
4. Cregan, Williams, Myers. 2020. Contact melting of a rectangular block with temperature-dependent properties International Journal of Thermal Sci. 150.
5. Calvo, Myers, Hennessy. 2020. The one-dimensional Stefan problem with non-Fourier heat conduction International Journal of Thermal Sci. 150.
6. Myers, Hennessy, Calvo. 2020. The Stefan problem with variable thermophysical properties and phase change temperature International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 149.
7. Moyles, Hennessy, Myers, Wetton. 2019. Asymptotic reduction of a porous electrode model for lithium-ion batteries SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 79-4.
8. Hennessy, Calvo, Myers. 2019. Modelling ultra-fast nanoparticle melting with the Maxwell–Cattaneo equation Applied Mathematical Modelling. 69.
9. Beardo, Calvo, Camacho, Myers. 2019. Hydrodynamic Heat Transport in Compact and Holey Silicon Thin Films Physical Review Applied. 11-3.
10. Myers, Fanelli. 2019. On the incorrect use and interpretation of the model for colloidal, spherical crystal growth Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 536.