Combinatronics Logic And Algorithmics
Knauer, Kolja
I am a Ramon y Cajal researcher at UB since 2019. Before I was an associate professor at Aix-Marseille University. My research lies in the interaction of Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics with a focus on Graph Theory, (Oriented) Matroids. and Algorithmics. I have answered questions and conjectures of Babai & Pultr, Barat & Thomassen, Biedl & Stern, Fukuda, Golumbic et al., Halman et al., Harutyunyan, Hochstättler, Saks & West, and Winkler.
Other Research Interests
Oriented Matroids, Metric, Algebraic, and Geometric Graph Theory.
PI in MICINN AcoGe Algebraic combinatorics and its connections to geometry (2023-2027), Member in DAGDigDec DAGs and Digraph Decompositions (2022-2026)
Selected publications
- García-Marco, I., Knauer, K. On sensitivity in bipartite Cayley graphs Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, 154, pp. 211-238 (2022) Q1 (JCR)
- Guegan, G,Knauer, K,Rollin, J, Ueckerdt, T The interval number of a planar graph is at most three Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, 146, pp. 61-67 (2021) Q1 (JCR)
- Garcia-Marco, I,Knauer, K,Mercui-Voyant, G Cayley Posets Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 17 (6), art. no. 186 (2020)
- Knauer, K., Ueckerdt, T. Decomposing 4-connected planar triangulations into two trees and one path Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, 134, pp. 88-109 (2019) Q1 (JCR)
- Bandelt, H.-J., Chepoi, V., Knauer, K. COMs: Complexes of oriented matroids Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, 156, pp. 195-237 (2018)
- García-Marco, I., Knauer, K. Chomp on numerical semigroups Algebraic Combinatorics, 1 (3), pp. 371-394 (2018)
- Knauer, K., Martínez-Sandoval, L., Ramírez Alfonsín, J.L. On Lattice Path Matroid Polytopes: Integer Points and Ehrhart Polynomial Discrete and Computational Geometry, 60 (3), pp. 698-719 (2018)
- Knauer, K., Montejano, L.P., Ramírez Alfonsín, J.L. How Many Circuits Determine an Oriented Matroid? Combinatorica, 38 (4), pp. 861-885 (2018) Q1 (JCR)