Office A2 (C3b/030)
Phone 93 586 85 07
Position PhD Student
Funding Formació de Personal Investigador (Generalitat)
Research interests Computational & Mathematical Biology
Area Mathematical And Computational Biology
Group Mathematical And Computational Biology
Llopis Almela, Oriol

I studied a Bachelor's degree in Physics and a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona with completion date of 2022. In 2021, I went on an internship at Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona (IRB), in the Genome Data Science research group. I developed my final thesis in Mathematics in the field of mathematical ecology at CRM under the supervision of Dr. Josep Sardayés and Dr. Blai Vidiella. In September 2022, I started a Master's degree in Computational and Mathematical Engineering at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), focusing on the branch of Mathematical Modelling and Dynamical Systems theory. Currently, I am finishing my master's thesis focused on the numerical study of the period function of the quadratic family of Loud systems under the supervision of Dr. Jordi Villadelprat Yagüe (URV).

In June 2023 I started working as a PhD student in the Mathematical and Computational Biology group at the CRM, supervised by Dr. Josep Sardanyés and Dr. Tomás Lázaro (UPC). Research focus is the mathematical modelling of the intracellular dynamics of RNA viruses under the effect of DAAs and mutagens.