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Phone +34 934 021 631
Position ICREA Research Professor
Funding ICREA
Research interests Algebraic Geometry
Group Algebra Geometry Number Theory And Topology
Sombra, Martin

Martín Sombra is an ICREA Research Professor at UB. He did a PhD thesis at the University of Buenos Aires, and postdoctoral stays at the MSRI at Berkeley, the IAS at Princeton, and the IMJ at Paris. He was also a Maître de Conférences at the University of Lyon, and a Full Professor at the University of Bordeaux. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the FoCM Society, and of the Advisory Board of the MEGA conferences. He currently works on problems at the interface of Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory and Complexity Theory, and collaborates with research groups in Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Caen, Bordeaux, Santiago de Chile and Rochester.

Personal webpage:

Other Research Interests
  • Diophantine geometry
  • Arakelov geometry
  • Computer algebra
  • Discrete geometry
  • 2024-2027 National Program of Research of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation PID2023-147642NB-I00 BIrational Geometry, Group Actions, and Moduli spacES (BIGGAMES).
Selected publications

10 most important publications in the last 10 years. Complete list in

  • C. D'Andrea, G. Jeronimo, and M. Sombra, The Canny-Emiris conjecture for the sparse resultant, Foundations of Computational Mathematics 23 (2023) 741-801.

  •  M. Sombra and A. Yger, Bounds for multivariate residues and for the polynomials in the elimination theorem, Moscow Mathematical Journal 21 (2021) 129-173.

  •  J. I. Burgos Gil, P. Philippon, J. Rivera-Letelier, and M. Sombra, The distribution of Galois orbits of points of small height in toric varieties, American Journal of Mathematics 141 (2019) 309-381. 

  •  C. D'Andrea, A. Ostafe, I. E. Shparlinski, and M. Sombra, Reduction modulo primes of systems of polynomial equations and algebraic dynamical systems, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 371 (2019) 1169-1198.

  •  S. Basu and M. Sombra, Polynomial partitioning on varieties of codimension two and point-hypersurface incidences in four dimensions, Discrete & Computational Geometry 55 (2016) 158-184.

  • J. I. Burgos Gil, A. Moriwaki, P. Philippon, and M. Sombra, Arithmetic positivity on toric varieties, Journal of Algebraic Geometry 25 (2016) 201-272.

  • C. D'Andrea and M. Sombra, A Poisson formula for the sparse resultant, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 11 (2015) 932-964.
  • F. Amoroso, L. Leroux, and M. Sombra, Overdetermined systems of sparse polynomial equations, Foundations of Computational Mathematics 15 (2015) 53-87.

  • J. I. Burgos Gil, P. Philippon, and M. Sombra, Arithmetic geometry of toric varieties. Metrics, measures and heights, Astérisque 360, Société Mathématique de France, 2014, vi + 222 pages, ISBN 978-2-85629-783-4.

  •  C. D'Andrea, T. Krick, and M. Sombra, Height of varieties in multiprojective spaces and arithmetic Nullstellensätze, Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure 46 (2013) 549-627.