E-mail joan.torregrosa@uab.cat
Position Professor
Group Dynamical Systems
Torregrosa, Joan

After my PhD at UAB I worked for two years at Universitat de les Illes Balears as Associate Professor (2000-2001). I am now a full professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and leader of the research group of Dynamical Systems at UAB working mainly in Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. I supervised six Ph.D. students and several postdoctoral fellows. In 2009 I had the award “I3 Intensification young researchers DIUE-MEC 2007 (2009-2011)”. Coordinator of the Spanish Dynamical Systems Network from 2018. PI of some Spanish research projects from 2014. I have published over 80 papers in leading journals.

Personal webpage: http://www.gsd.uab.cat/personal/jtorregrosa

Other Research Interests
  • Dynamical systems and ordinary differential equations.
  • Qualitative theory of planar differential equations.
  • Limit cycles and 16th Hilbert problem.
  • Piecewise differential systems.
  • Chebyshev systems and zeros of real functions.
Selected publications
  • P. Maesschalck, J. Torregrosa. Critical periods in planar polynomial centers near a maximum number of cusps. J. Differential Equations, 380(1), 181-197. 2024.
  • J. Itikawa, R. D. S. Oliveira, J. Torregrosa. First-order perturbation for multi-parameter center families. J. Differential Equations, 309, 291-310. 2022.
  • J. Giné, L. F. d. S. Gouveia, J. Torregrosa. Lower bounds for the local cyclicity for families of centers. J. Differential Equations, 275, 309-331. 2021.
  • R. Prohens, J. Torregrosa. New lower bounds for the Hilbert numbers using reversible centers. Nonlinearity, 32, 331-355, 2019.
  • D. D. Novaes, J. Torregrosa. On extended Chebyshev systems with positive accuracy. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 448, 171-186, 2017.
  • P. Maesschalck, S. Rebollo-Perdomo, J. Torregrosa. Cyclicity of a fake saddle inside the quadratic vector fields. J. Differential Equations, 258(2), 588-620, 2015
  • H. Liang, J. Torregrosa. Parallelization of the Lyapunov constants and cyclicity for centers of planar polynomial vector fields. J. Differential Equations, 259, 6494-6509, 2015.