E-mail victor.rotger@upc.edu
Position Professor
Funding ICREA
Research interests Number Theory
Rotger, Victor

Full professor at UPC. ERC Consolidator Grant 2016-2021. Icrea Academia 2019-2024.

Other Research Interests
  • Arithmetic of Shimura varieties and automorphic forms
  • Classical and p-adic L-functions
  • Euler systems

ERC Consolidator Grant 2016-2021. Icrea Academia 2019-2024.

Selected publications
  • H. Darmon, M. Harris, V. Rotger, A. Venkatesh, Derived Hecke algebra for dihedral weight one forms, preprint.
  • O. Rivero, V. Rotger, Derived Beilinson-Flach elements and the arithmetic of the adjoint of a modular form, Journal European Math. Soc. 23 (2021), no. 7, 2299--2335.
  • H. Darmon, V. Rotger, Diagonal cycles and Euler systems II: the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for Hasse-Weil-Artin L-series, Journal of the American Mathematical Society 30 (2017), 601--672.
  • H. Darmon, A. Lauder, V. Rotger, Overconvergent generalised eigenforms of weight one and class fields of real quadratic fields, Advances Math. 283 (2015), 130--142.
  • M. Bertolini, H. Darmon, V. Rotger, Beilinson-Flach elements and Euler systems II: p-adic families and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, J. Algebraic Geometry 24 (2015), 569--604.