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IRP Higher Homotopical Structures (Partially ONLINE)

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Intensive Research Programme (IRP)
From January 11, 2021
to July 10, 2021

If you wish to register only for one of the activities, please choose the one you are interested in from the list

Homotopical and higher-categorical methods are becoming increasingly important in areas such as geometry, topology, algebra, mathematical physics, and lately also logic and computer science. The insight can be summarized in realizing that many deep problems in these areas and elsewhere are homotopical in nature, and that native homotopical tools are necessary for a natural treatment of them as well as for obtaining viable solutions that can serve as a basis for further developments.
The present program aims at gathering experts from these areas in order to foster new lines of research and stimulate young researchers. Among the big challenges which will be addressed are: development of higher-categorical tools for theory and computations in algebraic K-theory and related theories, including topological cyclic homology and topological Hochschild homology; factorization homology and graph homology; higher Segal spaces; presentability and accessibility; explicit descriptions of fully extended topological field theories; applications of Goodwillie calculus; deformation theory; derived geometry.


​Universitat de Barcelona
University of Illinois at Chicago
​Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and CRM
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord


​Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and CRM
​Universitat de Barcelona
​Universitat de Barcelona
​Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
​University of Illinois at Chicago
​Universitat de Barcelona
​Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and CRM
​University of Leicester
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord



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Michael Batanin Macquarie University 01/02/2021 01/06/2021
Carles Broto Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – CRM 11/01/2021 10/07/2021
Damien Calaque ​Université de Montpellier 20/06/2021 24/06/2021
Marie Camille de la Rue École normale supérieure – Paris 20/06/2021 26/06/2021
Ricardo Campos ​CNRS – Université de Montpellier 20/06/2021 26/06/2021
Carles Casacuberta Universitat de Barcelona 11/01/2021 10/07/2021
Joana Cirici Universitat de Barcelona 11/01/2021 10/07/2021
Coline Emprin École normale supérieure – Paris 20/06/2021 26/06/2021
Imma Gálvez Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 11/01/2021 10/07/2021
Geoffroy Horel ​Université Sorbonne Paris Nord 18/06/2021 26/06/2021
Javier J. Gutiérrez Universitat de Barcelona 11/01/2021 10/07/2021
Sadok Kallel Université de Lille 1 15/06/2021 26/07/2021
Joachim Kock Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – CRM 11/01/2021 10/07/2021
Guillaume Laplante -Anfossi University of Paris 13 21/06/2021 26/06/2021
Muriel Livernet Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 21/06/2021 25/06/2021
Thibaut Mazuir Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu 20/06/2021 25/06/2021
Anibal Medina-Mardones Not provided 18/06/2021 02/07/2021
Jesper Møller University of Copenhagen 26/06/2021 10/07/2021
Bob Oliver University of Paris 13 26/06/2021 16/07/2021
Hugo Pourcelot University of Paris 13 20/06/2021 25/06/2021
Daniel Robert-Nicoud No provided 21/06/2021 25/06/2021
Víctor Roca Lucio University of Paris 13 13/06/2021 26/06/2021
Paolo Salvatore University of Roma Tor Vergata 12/06/2021 11/07/2021
Andrew Tonks University of Leicester 11/01/2021 10/07/2021
Dominik Trnka Masaryk University 20/06/2021 27/06/2021
Bruno Vallette Université Sorbonne Paris Nord 17/06/2021 26/06/2021
*Updated June 11, 2021



For inquiries about the program please contact the research programs coordinator Ms. Núria Hernández at​​